2025 Schedule

Times are subject to change (Central Time Zone)
Check back for the detailed schedule that will be announced in early June.

Registration Opens at 8:30am

Pick up your conference badge, swag items, and other conference resources during check-in.

Coder Games Welcome

Join us in the main conference room as we kick of ClueCon with our annual hack-athon, Coder Games!


9:00 am

Work Time

Use this time to work on your Coder Games challenges. Work as a group, or solo to take home the ultimate prize.... bragging rights! 

Just kidding, you get awesome prizes for winning too.



Join us during this time to listen to one of our honored presenters! 



Lunch will take place in the Geneva conference room. The staff at the Swissotel have put together a fantastic lunch just for you!

12:30 pm - 1:30pm

Lunch-n-Learn To be Announced

Check back for more details.

1:00 pm

Work Time

Continue working on those Coder Games challenges, time is ticking! 


Maker Challenge Demos

Show off your contraption , and maybe you will walk away with a Coder Games Prize!

3:30 pm

FreeCYCLED Demos

Take on the challenge and demo your creation. If you impress the judges, you may just walk away a winner.

4:00 pm

SignalWire Challenge Demos

Using SignalWire APIs and developer tools, show off what you coded.

4:15 pm

Welcome Dinner

This annual networking event is the best way to get to know your fellow attendees and start the conference off with a bang! 

6:00 pm
Registration Opens at 8:30am

Pick up your conference badge, swag items, and other conference resources during check-in.

Day 1 Announcements

Join us in the main conference room as we kick off the first day of conference presentations.

9:30 am

Keynote Speaker

Kicking off the conference with a bang!

10:00 am

Morning Sessions

After our Keynote presentation, our morning speakers take over the stage with insightful presentations.

10:45 am


Lunch will take place in the Geneva conference room. The staff at the Swissotel have put together a fantastic lunch just for you!

12:15 pm - 1:15 pm


Check back for more details.

1:00 pm

Afternoon Session

After lunch join us in the main conference room for our afternoon lineup of speakers.

1:45 pm

Round Table

Your favorite speakers, all on one stage!

4:00 pm

Gigabit Reception

Join us in the SignalWire Lounge for an evening of good company, delicious drinks, and maybe a little karaoke.

8:00 pm
Registration Opens at 8:30am

Pick up your conference badge, swag items, and other conference resources during check-in.

Day 2 Announcements

Join us in the main conference room as we kick off the second day of conference presentations.

9:15 am

Morning Sessions

Don't miss the morning session speakers, as the lineup is sure to wake you up faster then your cup of coffee.

9:30 am


Lunch will take place in the XYZ conference room. The staff at the Swissotel have put together a fantastic lunch just for you!

12:00 pm -1 pm

Lunch-n-Learn to be Announced

Check back for more details.

12:15 pm - 1:15pm

Afternoon Speakers

After lunch join us in the main conference room for our afternoon lineup of speakers.

1:30 pm


Take a minute to stretch your legs before the afternoon lineup continues

3:00 pm

FreeSWITCH Roundtable

The experts and founders behind the open-source project come together all under one roof. Get your questions ready! 

4:00 pm

Evening Network Event

More information coming soon.

7:30 pm

Registration Opens at 9:00 am

Pick up your conference badge, swag items, and other conference resources during check-in.

Day 3 Announcements

Join us in the main conference room as we kick off the third day of conference presentations.

9:05 am

Morning Sessions

Don't miss the morning session speakers, as the lineup is sure to wake you up faster then your cup of coffee.

9:15 am


Lunch will take place in the XYZ conference room. The staff at the Swissotel have put together a fantastic lunch just for you!

11:45 am -12:45  pm

Lunch-n-Learn to be Announced



12:15 pm - 1:15 pm

Afternoon Speakers

After lunch join us in the main conference room for our afternoon lineup of speakers.

1:15 pm

Dangerous Demos

Show off your idea! Awards for the most elegant demo, most entertaining, and biggest crash and burn are up for grabs! 

2:15 pm

Grand Prize Drawing

Do you have the golden ticket? Stick around to find out who wins the coveted grand prize! 

3:15 pm

End of Conference

We can't wait to see you again next year.

3:30 pm

SignalWire Roadshow

If you have time, stop by the roadshow to meet with SignalWire experts.

4:00 pm